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Tree City Bee Company

SIX (6) FRAME - 2025 Nucleus Beehives with VSH Queens (NUC)

SIX (6) FRAME - 2025 Nucleus Beehives with VSH Queens (NUC)

Regular price $235.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $235.00 USD
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** Shipping not available, all nucs must be picked up at our farm.**


These nucs are great for new beekeepers looking to get an extra jump over a five frame nuc or for and experienced beekeeper looking to expand their operation. These nucs are splittable and make for a cheap way to build your numbers early in the spring.

What you get with our nucs:
• 3-4 frames of brood with bees
• 2-3 frames of food with bees
• Newer Frames 
• Established Laying VSH queen
• Wooden box



6 frame nuc in a six frame wax dipped nuc box. Deep frames only. Most frames are wood with plastic foundation. Pick up availability will be in the order that we receive payment and will start as early as we can possibly get nucs out (most likely early May depending on the weather). All orders must be paid in full to reserve your spot. Shipping not available, all nucs must be picked up at our farm. Nucs will have Varroa-Sensitive Hygienic (VSH) Queens, 6 frames containing brood, honey, pollen, and space for them to draw comb.

For more information about Varroa-sensitive Hygienic honey bees please read here

All VSH queens are found and verified before releasing nucs to customers. The Queens in these nucs are not marked.

Customers are notified by phone call, and then email when we are ready to schedule pickup. A message will be left if voice mail is available. No response will move you to the bottom of the list. We will send update emails starting in the spring to keep you up to date on our progress and how the weather is affecting us. Please make sure the email you give us is one that you will see. Also provide an phone number you will answer.

No refunds will be issued for NUCs.
Any cancelled nucs will be moved to next years list.



  • Please watch the above video prior to picking up NUC. It will help you understand more about how to install your NUC. 
  • Please take into consideration our time and effort in preparation to get the NUCs ready! 
  • NUCS have varied delivery dates for pickup. Please plan accordingly.
  • Please transfer your NUC into its hive as soon as possible.
  • PLEASE PLAN AHEAD: Please purchase and get all of your equipment ready before your nuc is to be picked up. This helps us to keep waiting times down on the delivery day. 
  • Beekeeping is a form of agriculture and is subject to the whims of Mother Nature so the delivery date could be affected. 
  • We will contact you by email as soon as your is ready for pickup. We will give you detailed instruction on when and where to pick up your NUC

 Thank you for your business and thank you for taking care of the bees!!

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